Baby Zane
This project was built on a Spirit Halloween doll that got remodeled to look like one of my professors. For this project I attached a servo to the speaker box inside of the doll and controlled it with an IR reader and remote to make the servo hit the button on the speaker and make it say its pre-saved sound bites. I wanted to do this project in order to practice my Arduino skills and test the range of IR readers that come in the beginner kit. 
The first step I took was building the breadboard that went into the doll. Above are the breadboard photos before it was placed into the doll. 
Next I began to code the Uno, For this I referenced some previous servo code I had created and a sample code I found online. Here is the Github link for the code created during this process: and below is a screen shot of the code. 
Once I got everything working, I glued the servo to the speaker inside the doll and placed all of the components inside. Then it was time to see the masterpiece in action. 
These are my sketch and proof of concept photos:

Baby Zane

Baby Zane



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